Cranberry sauce

Cranberry sauce takes Christmas lunch and the next days sandwiches to the next level. We'll let you in on a little secret, it goes well with everything, not just your turkey. With the shops packed with discounted cranberries after Christmas you've no excuse not to make the most of a glut with this recipe, it's also a great excuse to whip the port back out.

Ingredients Download recipe

  • 500 grams fresh or frozen cranberries

  • 300 millilitres ruby port (optional)

  • 20 grams caster sugar

  • 130 millilitres fresh orange juice (or use apple juice)

  • 1 teaspoon corn flour

  • 1 teaspoon English mustard powder

  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

  • pinch of ground cloves

  • 80 grams sultanas

  • 60 grams flaked almonds

  • 1 tablespoons grated orange rind

  • 1 teaspoons grated lemon rind

  • pinch of salt


  1. Put the cranberries, port, sugar and orange juice in a pan and cook on a low heat for ten minutes or until the fruit bursts.

  2. Mix the cornflour, mustard, lemon juice and cloves together in a cup with a tiny bit of water to make a paste.

  3. Add the paste into the berry mixture and mix through on a low heat.

  4. Add the sultanas, almonds, orange & lemon rind and a pinch of salt, and simmer for five minutes, insuring all is cooked through.

  5. Then put your sauce a small dish or bowl and keep in the fridge until its Turkey eating time!

Recipe provided by @rubiesintherubble.

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