5 meals that are great to freeze

Want to save time and money? Your freezer can help you.

From curries to bread and sweet treats, here are five healthy 'ready meals' that are easy to make in advance and freeze for a later date, keeping both their nutrition and their flavour. This means you can get busy cooking when you have some time, freeze, and have healthy tasty meals ready for when life gets busy.



This hearty ribollita recipe from Tuscany is a triumph of humble Italian cooking. Made of stale bread and a mixture of vegetables, it is a delicious, nourishing soup that is more than the sum of its parts. The dish gets even better with reheating, so ensure you make plenty to freeze and reheat on another day.

Banana Curry

Use banana to sweeten up a delicious curry and make the most of leftover bananas. Then eat some now and freeze some ready for a treat another day.

Black bean chilli with cucumber raita

Black bean chilli is a cheap and easy way to feed a crowd, especially if they've got different dietary requirements. It's also a great one for batch cooking at the weekend for delicious lunches that only need reheating.

Indian cauliflower and chickpea curry

With less than 10 ingredients including the spices, this curry is easy to whip up and can be used with wraps or roti bread that can also be frozen till needed.

Risotto with asparagus, peas and spinach

Asparagus and pearl barley combine perfectly to make a fresh spring meal. It will freeze really well, but make sure you reheat all of it until piping hot before enjoying.

Hungry for more?

Check out our 5 ingredient pasta recipes for a fast, flavoursome feast!